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Oh, that makes total sense. We do have some great actors and professional athletes in our country, but there is no way that they deserve millions of dollars for the little effort they do. Tags: ActorsAthletesMoney. Permalink Leave a comment. You are commenting using your WordPress. Essay 4 – Entertainers are paid too much money. You are Athletes do get paid way too much money, but other people have to suffer in horrible and harsh conditions, they don’t donate enough to charity even though they make millions and millions and a lot of athletes’ abuse drugs and alcohol. These people don’t deserve this type of money because most of them are irresponsible and cocky. They can So, in the end, part of the athlete’s salary comes from the people who support the sports in the first place. These are just some of the reasons why athletes are paid so much money. The controversy of athletes being overpaid dates back to , show more content “People are more likely to pay attention to a TV commercial if one

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Answer (1 of 83): A completely subjective question gets an objective answer depends on whether you’re the player or not. In the “real” world, people are paid by what their production is. In the sports world, you are paid often on potential production. This is I think Athletes get way overpaid compared to median household income. All these Athletes are getting paid millions of dollars and people in a household make an average to fifty thousand and they work every day. Athletes only play for some time then practice and are getting paid Millions of dollars compared to people Essay topics: Sports stars are paid too much for what they do. Discuss. There is a controversial issue about the income of famous athletes. Some social workers state that their payments are excessively large. However, some coaches argue that they deserve that money. In this essay, I will discuss both points of view and agree with the idea that

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Essay topics: Sports stars are paid too much for what they do. Discuss. There is a controversial issue about the income of famous athletes. Some social workers state that their payments are excessively large. However, some coaches argue that they deserve that money. In this essay, I will discuss both points of view and agree with the idea that 01/08/ · Evidently, many people speak about the unfaithfulness of the human society and criticise actors and athletes because of their payment, which is often equal to hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars. A famous movie star can receive several millions of dollars for a single film as well as a football player has a one hundred million Athletes do get paid way too much money, but other people have to suffer in horrible and harsh conditions, they don’t donate enough to charity even though they make millions and millions and a lot of athletes’ abuse drugs and alcohol. These people don’t deserve this type of money because most of them are irresponsible and cocky. They can
01/08/ · Evidently, many people speak about the unfaithfulness of the human society and criticise actors and athletes because of their payment, which is often equal to hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars. A famous movie star can receive several millions of dollars for a single film as well as a football player has a one hundred million Oh, that makes total sense. We do have some great actors and professional athletes in our country, but there is no way that they deserve millions of dollars for the little effort they do. Tags: ActorsAthletesMoney. Permalink Leave a comment. You are commenting using your WordPress. Essay 4 – Entertainers are paid too much money. You are Those who believe that athletes are overpaid also argue that no individual, even if they are talented, should earn so much when other people are starving. Their opinion is that it would be better to use the money to do something against poverty and hardship in the world. 'Society's priorities are wrong' they argue

Answer (1 of 83): A completely subjective question gets an objective answer depends on whether you’re the player or not. In the “real” world, people are paid by what their production is. In the sports world, you are paid often on potential production. This is Athletes Paid Too Much Words | 10 Pages billions of dollars each year. While a lot of this money goes towards stadium renovations, front office benefits, and marketing, nearly half of the money spent on sports in America goes toward the salaries of the players Oh, that makes total sense. We do have some great actors and professional athletes in our country, but there is no way that they deserve millions of dollars for the little effort they do. Tags: ActorsAthletesMoney. Permalink Leave a comment. You are commenting using your WordPress. Essay 4 – Entertainers are paid too much money. You are
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