Online databases
· The collection includes: PhD, MD, MSc, ChM and DSc theses of staff and postgraduate students of the Health Sciences Faculty, from to date. A card catalogue in the Medical Library contains details of the earlier theses, or you may check the Card Catalogue Online. How to consult a thesis Casotto, Roberto () Doctoral Thesis Improvements of Magnetic Resonance Based Myocardial Motion Mapping Berberoglu, Ezgi () Doctoral Thesis Interconnected Online Feedback Optimization and Estimation Algorithms for Power System Operation in Real Time Picallo Cruz, Miguel () Doctoral Thesis 1 day ago · EThOS, the E-Theses Online Service, is an almost-complete index of all doctoral level theses ever awarded by UK universities. You can uncover the latest cutting edge research inside the pages of UK PhD theses, immediately download over , theses or order many more through the unique EThOS digitisation on demand service
University of Bristol theses and dissertations
Molecular design of heteroatom-doped nanoporous carbons with controlled porosity and surface polarity for gas physisorption and energy storage. Youk, Sol. Universität Potsdam. The Economic Freedom Fighters and the Dynamics of Insurgent Practice in South Africa. Joseph, Nathanael Grant. University of Pittsburgh PhD by Thesis: This is the traditional PhD programme that the vast majority of doctoral students take. Within this programme, students can opt to structure their PhD as a collection of papers rather than as a series of linked chapters. In both cases, the work described in the thesis has primarily been undertaken whilst the student has been PhD thesis types: Monograph and collection of articles Starting PhD students often face a difficult choice. They have to decide whether they want to write their dissertation in the form of a monograph, or as a collection of journal articles. Some universities have strict requirements, not leaving a choice. But most offer both options

Staff + students
PhD by Thesis: This is the traditional PhD programme that the vast majority of doctoral students take. Within this programme, students can opt to structure their PhD as a collection of papers rather than as a series of linked chapters. In both cases, the work described in the thesis has primarily been undertaken whilst the student has been Theses Thesis collection Monash Theses All PhD and Masters by Research theses are held by the Library in either print or digital format. Search the catalogue Tips for searching Browse by faculty Art, Design and Architecture Arts Business and Economics Education Engineering Information Technology Law Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences · The collection includes: PhD, MD, MSc, ChM and DSc theses of staff and postgraduate students of the Health Sciences Faculty, from to date. A card catalogue in the Medical Library contains details of the earlier theses, or you may check the Card Catalogue Online. How to consult a thesis
UK and international theses
· This thesis is an autoethnographic inquiry into the identity work of leaders working in the public sector in Denmark. The research is about how degrees of freedom can be experienced when it is acknowledged that leaders are Primary Science Subject Leaders Creating Communities of Practice: Stories of Professional Development Molecular design of heteroatom-doped nanoporous carbons with controlled porosity and surface polarity for gas physisorption and energy storage. Youk, Sol. Universität Potsdam. The Economic Freedom Fighters and the Dynamics of Insurgent Practice in South Africa. Joseph, Nathanael Grant. University of Pittsburgh PhD by Thesis: This is the traditional PhD programme that the vast majority of doctoral students take. Within this programme, students can opt to structure their PhD as a collection of papers rather than as a series of linked chapters. In both cases, the work described in the thesis has primarily been undertaken whilst the student has been

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· This thesis is an autoethnographic inquiry into the identity work of leaders working in the public sector in Denmark. The research is about how degrees of freedom can be experienced when it is acknowledged that leaders are Primary Science Subject Leaders Creating Communities of Practice: Stories of Professional Development Casotto, Roberto () Doctoral Thesis Improvements of Magnetic Resonance Based Myocardial Motion Mapping Berberoglu, Ezgi () Doctoral Thesis Interconnected Online Feedback Optimization and Estimation Algorithms for Power System Operation in Real Time Picallo Cruz, Miguel () Doctoral Thesis 1 day ago · EThOS, the E-Theses Online Service, is an almost-complete index of all doctoral level theses ever awarded by UK universities. You can uncover the latest cutting edge research inside the pages of UK PhD theses, immediately download over , theses or order many more through the unique EThOS digitisation on demand service
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